Ireland - OurLadyOfTheFingerLakes

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The Banner

A Holy and Symbolic Gesture

During May 2008 Mary Reilly responded to Jesus’ call to herald Our Lady’s Banner in the Irish countryside. Mary returned with friends to Killarney which she had visited for the first time during October 2003. The following message was received when the trip was completed:
“To the Emerald Coast I called you and your steadfast and loyal friends. How I delight in the faith and perseverance of My faithful. For My holy will and that of My Father was accomplished as all of you pushed forward in faith. For not unlike My apostles, unique in their own ways, not always understanding what was asked of them, but their desire to please Me and their great love for Me secured their journey. For the fire of love was fanned deep within them and their zeal to evangelize the Good News, testifying to truth over and over again, brought all of them to fulfil the mission and divine plan that My Father accomplished in them. They learned to die to self to become nothing so that filled with My love they became everything, as the Son of Man made them His very own — truly fishers of men. They walked with Me they ate with Me. We shared a deep and intimate relationship, the same as I require with all those who I have called who belong to Me.

“Oh My precious pearl if only you knew — if only you could see how the great cornerstone has been laid. How all of nature rejoiced as My Mother’s Banner was heralded in the Irish countryside; for no one could even imagine. My beloved and faith filled people have embraced the call of My Mother with a deep and fervent faith. This marks the beginning of the great journey from town to town, country to country, nation to nation as My Mother’s Banner will bring My Spirit over the world.
“The great martyrs of Ireland who valiantly laid down their lives for their faith, for their great love for Me and that of My Mother, stood and marched valiantly side by side every step with My Mother and Her holy and miraculous Banner. Oh the fruits My pearl, the fruits! This holy and symbolic gesture has reclaimed Ireland for My Mother. The blood soaked soil of the Irish martyrs has been redeemed. You have done well My pearl to stand firm in your faith and to proceed onto the battlefield.

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